Welcome to Hollister, Idaho

All About Hollister
City Council Meetings
The City Council meets on the first and third Monday of each month. Occasionally the regular meeting date will land on a holiday, in such cases the rescheduled meeting date will be announced at least 15 days ahead of time. All meetings are held at the grange at 2340 Main Street, starting at 7 pm.
Below is the zoom link to the city council meeting–
March 17th, 2025
7:00 PM
City Meeting Agenda
Pledge of Allegiance
Call to Order – 7 PM
Roll Call
Nielsen Alley Vacating Hearing
Walking Path Project Report
Minutes of the last meeting
Treasurer’s Report
Charter School Report
Maintenance report
Mayor’s Report
City Clerk’s Report
X. OLD BUSINESS-action items
a. b. Zoning map revision
c. Water Rates
XI. NEW BUSINESS-action items
a. a. Core & Main Meter Reading Equipment Upgrade
b. To Do List:
- Well Maintenance
- Build Roads-road fees
- Building permit applications
- Zoning Ordinance revision
- City Audit
XIII. Public Comments/Suggestions
Posted and dated March 14th, 2025
City Hall
City Hall is located at 2392 Main Street. It is open from 9 am until Noon on every Monday, except in the case of a holiday. Any questions can be directed to idahohollister@gmail.com.
City Council & Staff
Mayor-Robyn Grover
Council President-Lynn Ginder
Councilman-Pablo Gonzalez
Councilman-Dave Grosshans
Councilwoman-Gloria Rorison
City Clerk-Jeanette Fuller
Code Enforcement-Thomas Skinner
Meter Reading Schedule & Water Billing
Meters are read on or about the 15th of each month from March until weather prohibits it in the fall. Billing is mailed on or about the 20th, and payments are due the 10th of the following month. Current water rates are $53 for up to 20,000 gallons per month. Any usage over 20,000 is billed at $1.50 per 1,000 gallons of overage. Sanitation is $12 per can per month. Each residence has their own septic system.
Text Updates
The City of Hollister will send out texts in case of water outages, boil orders, power outages, and other events it deems urgent. Please click the link to sign up if interested.
Food Pantry
Hollister Hawks Food Pantry operates out of the grange at 2340 Main Street. Food distributions are on the first and third Thursdays of the month, unless otherwise announced, from 3 pm-6 pm.

Hollister, a small town committed to the community.
Hollister is dedicated to creating and supporting projects, events, and ordinances that continue to balance growth with community spirit that exists in a small town. Annual celebrations such as the 4th of July Breakfast in City Park, Community Christmas party at the Grange, Halloween parade and other events at the elementary school, are continuously supported by city officials and local businesses. Suggestions, support, and donations are always welcome.